Living Like The 1%

Think about your all-time goals in life. I don’t mean what you think you would settle for, but your REAL all-time goals. Whether these are athletic goals, business goals, or you’re striving for something else, I have one question. What did you do today to work towards it?

I know you’re probably thinking “Oh no, a B.S motivational post.” Maybe there is a little bit of that, but underneath there is a HUGE element of truth. Whatever it is that YOU want to accomplish won’t just happen for you.

I know you might think it’s sappy, but really and truly… it all falls on you.

In my field, I see athletes often tell me they want to conquer their sport. They want to play at the top level, win the top prizes and sign those top contracts. I absolutely LOVE when I hear this. Specifically, I love when I hear this and then that drive is backed up by action.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that everyone has tough days in the gym and that is okay. I also understand that nobody is perfect, and I totally support that. However, when you are working towards something great, when you are working towards that 1% life you so desperately want, there are a few things that have to be there.

  1. Work ethic – A life in professional sport will NOT fall into your lap. This is something you have to work at day in and day out. I don’t mean that you need countless hours in the gym 7 days a week. What I mean is that every day you are either moving closer to the pros or further away. Every day that you get your training session in & put in those hours, you are moving closer. Every day you get to bed early and get your full night of recovery, you are moving closer. Every night that you’re up til 3 playing video games and eating shitty food you are slipping further away. Every night out partying, you are slipping further away. Every day you can honestly say you put work in towards your career is a step in the right direction. Just remember, the more work you put in, the less chance you are leaving someone else to outwork you.
  2. Consistency – It is all well and good to work hard at something, but if you’re inconsistent you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Consistent effort every day will always win. The way I like to look at it is that every day is either a step forwards or a step backward.
  3. Control – This doesn’t mean that you have to control EVERYTHING around you. All I am saying here is that you need to focus on what you can control. Any time you make an excuse you are relinquishing the control you have over your career. If you are always looking for what you can change, or how you can improve, you will be putting yourself ahead of the pack every day. Control what you can, and forget about what you can’t.

If you can take one thing away from this post, I hope it is that you may not always have control over the outcomes in your life, but you do have control over the process. If you start controlling the process and consistently work at improving it, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to read this week. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts. Shoot me a message, send me an e-mail ( and let me know what you think!