Black T-Shirt – One Day At A Time


Focus on what you can control today to be one step better tomorrow!

For a long time I have used the mantra "One Day At A Time" to help myself stay focused on the present and better build my business, expand my knowledge as a coach and help my athletes. Over time it has become more and more meaningful to me and it is something I am always talking to my athletes about as well.

If you are still far away from your ultimate athletic dream, it is great to envision where you want to be a year, 5 years, 10 years down the road. However, when things are that far away they can be overwhelming. Instead, spend your time focused on today. Spend your time focused on improving for tomorrow. Continue to do this day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year... The ultimate dreams will take care of themselves.

Black T-Shirt – One Day At A Time


Focus on what you can control today to be one step better tomorrow!


For a long time I have used the mantra "One Day At A Time" to help myself stay focused on the present and better build my business, expand my knowledge as a coach and help my athletes. Over time it has become more and more meaningful to me and it is something I am always talking to my athletes about as well.

If you are still far away from your ultimate athletic dream, it is great to envision where you want to be a year, 5 years, 10 years down the road. However, when things are that far away they can be overwhelming. Instead, spend your time focused on today. Spend your time focused on improving for tomorrow. Continue to do this day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year... The ultimate dreams will take care of themselves.