Coach Dusseault Conditioning


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The Coach Dusseault Conditioning Blog is focused on athlete development. You will see take-away posts from my podcast episodes (link to podcast page), and you will also see weekly thoughts and reflections from my time spent in the gym.

Why Have I Started This Blog?

My goal is to help athletes worldwide. In the beginning I spent my time focused on being in the gym, coaching and helping the athletes in my facility. As time went on, I realized that I can reach wider audiences with important messages from this work.
As well, as I always say while coaching… everyone is different. Now in the gym, this means that everyone’s training must be different, or everyone’s technique in any given exercise may look slightly different. However, in this context what I’m saying is that we all LEARN differently. If my goal is truly to reach the most athletes I can and make the biggest impact I can, I must do my best to do that in as many different ways as possible.

If you learn best by reading and you are trying to reach your goals in sport, this blog is for you.

Making The Best Of A Bad Situation

Obviously, what we are living through right now is a whole different level of bad situation. I want to start off by just saying I hope everyone is doing well through this whole outbreak. I hope everyone is staying home and staying healthy. As we all work through this...

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The BEST Training Program

So often I hear the question “What is the best way to improve (insert physical quality here) I’ve often gotten trapped into asking this question as well. Every time I ask it, and every time someone asks me, I basically receive / give the same answer. IT DEPENDS. I...

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Boat Crew Two

Let me start off this post by saying if you have not read David Goggins book “Can’t Hurt Me” please do that as soon as you can. It is a great story of the life of David Goggins and how he became as he puts it “The hardest Mother F***er that God ever put on this earth”...

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Opportunity – How Do You Make The Most Of It?

You will be presented with countless opportunities during your athletic career. You will have options to play for different teams, you will have decisions to make in preparation for competition, choices to make in your off-season training, and lifestyle decisions to...

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Why Do I Coach?

This was a question I started asking myself recently, while taking “BlindSpot” (Brett Bartholomew’s new online course) I love what I do. I always have. So I guess the question isn’t necessarily “Why I coach?” but why I coach the way that I do. What is it about me that...

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The Window And The Mirror

The book “Good To Great” by Jim Collins has a lot of great lessons that can be applied in business. One of my personal favourites has been the concept of The Window and The Mirror. In discussing the development of good companies into great ones that produced lasting...

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Build Up To Breakthrough

The book “Good To Great” talks about the concept of build-up to breakthrough. As much as in the book they are discussing the idea of how great companies had a period of organization of systems, process development, etc. etc. to develop from good companies into great...

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Sports & Business

I have been involved in the world of high performance sport in some capacity for the better part of 11 years now. I have been a business owner for under three months, but since beginning this new journey, I keep running into parallels between high performance sport...

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The Thank You Economy

Gary Vaynerchuk’s book “The Thank You Economy” is a great read for anyone involved in business. There are tons of lessons on how to build relationships with potential customers, how to use social media to help grow and scale your business, networking opportunities,...

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Taking Care Of You

In a high performance environment like elite sport you often will hear people talk about hard work. Obviously hard work is an extremely important part of being successful in any field with this one being no different. It is our job as S&C coaches to help guide our...

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Controlling The Controllables

We live in a world today with MILLIONS of athletes that want to succeed at the top level. However, less than 1% of them do. Why is that? There is the first, most obvious answer - lack of jobs. Beyond that however, what separates those who make it and those who don’t?...

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Living Like The 1%

Think about your all-time goals in life. I don’t mean what you think you would settle for, but your REAL all-time goals. Whether these are athletic goals, business goals, or you’re striving for something else, I have one question. What did you do today to work towards...

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