Making The Best Of A Bad Situation
Obviously, what we are living through right now is a whole different level of bad situation. I want to start off by just saying I hope everyone is doing well through this whole outbreak. I hope everyone is staying home and staying healthy.
As we all work through this process, it got me thinking a lot about the daily challenges we all face and how we deal with those. When we are presented with limitations we find a way to adapt and work through them.
When we are faced with challenges, it is always up to us how we respond to them. We can use these challenges as excuses to take time off, slack for a while and “get back to things later” or we can identify the limitations we are presented with and find ways to work around them.
This time of quarantine has certainly been a struggle. Finding motivation can be difficult when we don’t see the return to normal life ahead. As the owner of a very new small business, my biggest struggle is worrying about my business making it through this pandemic. However after the first few days of feeling helpless and thinking there is nothing I can do to ensure the success of my business, I remembered that the only thing I can control is my reaction. In a case like this, all that we can do is control how we react. If you are confined to your home, instead of sitting around and dwelling like I did for the first few days, start working around it.
Since those first couple of days, I have started working on projects that I have been putting off for the last few months. I have started reading more, and started streamlining systems in my business to make my work more efficient when we do get back to normal.
Just like when an athlete gets injured, there are two ways they can go.
- Take the time that you’re injured away from sports and training to recover and then get back to it when you’re healthy
- Assess the limitations presented to you from your injury, figure out what you can still do to train around it, and keep pushing yourself.
Now it seems like option 1 would be good because you’re taking the time your body needs to recover and then getting back to training. However, if you are working smart, you can build a training program around continuing to let your injury heal. By doing just that, you are putting yourself as far ahead in your return to play as possible.
Same deal as right now. If you are quarantined to your house, you can take this time to eat crappy food, sleep and watch movies all day, and “get back to it” when life gets back to normal. Or you can assess your limitations and learn to work around them.
What equipment do you have at home that you can use to train? None? No problem. It might not be the IDEAL training program for you, but even without any equipment at all, training can still be done, and progress can still be made. Times like this are tough for everyone, but they will really show you and everyone around you just how badly you want it.
Thank you all for taking the time to read. Again, I hope you are all safe and healthy, adapting to the new circumstances put in front of you.